Plenary session of October 17, 2023


9h à 9h30 : Changes in fertility intentions due to the global crises perceived in 2022. Evidence from Austria GGP.  Isabella Buber-Ennser, Wittgenstein Centre, Vienna Institute of Demography

9:30am to 10am: Presentation of the “Cadre de Vie” methodological survey, Danièle Guillemot, Hélène Chaput, Léa Tholozan, Gwennaëlle Brilhault 

Coffee break.

10:30 am to 11:30 am: LifeObs news and work programs of the four LifeObs departments (Collection, Innovation, Dissemination, Training)

11:30 a.m. to 12:00 p.m.: Assessment of the ENVIE survey and initial results, Marie Bergström

12:00 to 12:30: LifeObs Agora (presentations and discussions on a variety of topics over a short period of time, to kick-start discussions that can continue afterwards):

-Kit TeO. Elodie Barril / Julie Lenoir
-Update on pairings. Géraldine Charrance, Paul Cochet

All presentations (French only) are attached.