Families survey

Since 1954, the Families Survey has been "associated" with the general population census, with the most recent wave, called EFL (Enquête Famille et Logements / Family and Housing Survey), taking place in 2011. This survey collects detailed information on family composition, family events, fertility, and social and geographic origin. The topics of fertility and family can thus be analysed through different lenses: generations, social origins, and geographic mobility in relation to numerous themes, such as lifetime fertility and timing of children, and the family life of children with separated parents. Due to its large sample size (400,000 persons), rare populations can also be studied: same-sex couples, LGBTQ+ families, single fathers or fathers with sole custody of their children, orphans, adoptive families, etc.

The next wave of the Families Survey will take place in 2025 at the same time as the annual census, using both paper and web-based questionnaires. It will cover the ‘classic’ themes of the survey, as well as the specific theme developed for this 2025 wave of the Families Survey: family solidarity. For the first time, the Families Survey will be conducted in the Overseas departments and regions of France.


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