
     LifeObs, the French Life History Observatory, is a research infrastructure aimed at developing innovative longitudinal survey programmes on family behaviour, improving the dissemination of data, as well as training new and existing users of data.

Eight major and representative national surveys will be conducted covering all stages of life, from childhood to old age. Three of these surveys are part of European research infrastructures: the Generations and Gender Programme (GGP2020), the Survey of Health, Ageing and Retirement in Europe (SHARE), and the first European child cohort, GUIDE EuroCohort. Innovative practices will be developed, most notably in terms of how data are collected and how administrative data can be leveraged. To increase the visibility and use of these surveys in France and abroad, the documentation will be translated into English and the data will be disseminated on international data platforms. Moreover, training tools on the use of these surveys will be designed and aggregated data will be made available online.

This multi-partner observatory brings together key institutions in France in life history, family, and population studies: INED (project leader); the universities of Paris Dauphine - PSL, Bordeaux and Strasbourg; INSEE; and the very large-scale research facility (TGIR), Progedo.


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