Organization and Governance
The Observatory is coordinated by INED and comprises several levels of governance.
In addition to the bodies specifically dedicated to the project, other bodies are involved in monitoring activities, such as the INED Ethics Committee, the INED and CNRS DPOs, and the INED CDSP.
Scientific Advisory Board
The Scientific Advisory Board is made up of five international members :
- Eva Beaujouan, Chair of the AB, Assistant Professor at the Department of Demography, University of Vienna
- Michaela Kreyenfeld (Professor of Sociology at the Hertie School Berlin)
- Delphine Roy (Head of the ‘health, well-being and independence’ programme, Institut des politiques publiques),
- Clémentine Rossier (Associate Professor at the University of Geneva, Vice-Director of CIGEV and Co-Director of Centre LIVES)
- Daniele Vignoli (Professor of Demography at the University of Florence).
It meets every two years, issues an opinion on the scientific direction of the project and produces an evaluation report that is circulated to all partners.
Steering Committee
The steering committee is made up of one representative from each partner organisation :
- François Clanché (Ined)
- Bruno Bouchard (Dauphine PSL)
- Fabrice Boudjaaba (Progedo CNRS)
- Christel Colin (Insee)
- Mathieu Montalban (University of Bordeaux)
- Julien Penin (University of Strasbourg)
It meets annually and has the following remits :
- Opinions on general organisation and scientific development
- Adopt the internal rules
- Vote on the annual budget presented by LifeObs management
- Approve the annual activity report
- Approve the list of members of the Scientific Committee
Heads of Department Committee
The departmental committee is made up of the heads of each department :
- Data Collection Department (involving SES*, Dauphine-PSL University and INSEE) : Albane Gourdol
- Innovation Department (involving SES, SMS**, Dauphine-PSL University and INSEE): Thomas Merly-Alpa
- Dissemination Department (involves PROGEDO, Datalab, Dauphine-PSL University, INSEE) : Pascal Sébille
- Training Department (involving the PUDs of the universities of Strasbourg and Bordeaux, the SMS, Dauphine-PSL University): Didier Breton
The committee meets twice a year and ensures that the activities planned in each department run smoothly.
*SES: INED Surveys and Polls Department **SMS: INED Statistical Methods Department
Executive team
The executive team is made up of four members:
- Ariane Pailhé, Project Scientific and Technical Manager
- Albane Gourdol, Head of INED’s Surveys and Statistics Department
- Laurent Toulemon, Director of Research at INED
- Cécile Allain, Project Coordinator
The management team is responsible for ensuring that the project’s activities are carried out properly.