LifeObs aims to renew and strengthen the production and dissemination of high-quality French data on fundamental subjects relating to life-course dynamics and new demographic trends.
This is broken down into 4 sub-objectives :
- To roll out a programme of 7 longitudinal and innovative surveys on family behaviour, covering all stages of the life cycle, from childhood to old age;
- Develop innovations, both in the collection methods used and in the integration of administrative data;
- Increase the dissemination of data to the teaching and research community, to students, and on a national and international scale.
- Train users, by means of training tools for these surveys and seminars on how to use the files.
The Structuring Equipment for Research framework
As a winner of the ANR’s Equipex programme (Structuring facilities for research) under the PIA3, LifeObs is part of the overall objective of this call for projects to provide France with high-quality, intermediate-scale scientific facilities that meet international standards and have become a prerequisite for international competitiveness in many scientific disciplines.