LifeObs is a research infrastructure aimed at developing innovative longitudinal survey programmes on family behaviour, improving the dissemination of data, as well as training new and existing users of data. This is one of the winning projects in the ”Équipements structurants pour la recherche” program of the PIA3 launched in 2020.
Seven major surveys will be carried out during the lifespan of this project. Four of these are national surveys and the remaining three are European surveys. In addition to these surveys, LifeObs will facilitate the use of other data, such as the EDP (Échantillon démographique permanent / Permanent demographic sample) and TCM (Tronc commun des ménages / Common household questionnaire).
Four surveys are conducted nationwide.
Three surveys are part of a European framework.
The LifeObs project will promote and facilitate the re-use of other databases, such as the EDP (Échantillon démographique permanent / Permanent demographic sample) and TCM (Tronc commun des ménages / Common household questionnaire).
Various tools are available to help you learn how to use the data produced by LifeObs surveys. Self-training kits will guide you step by step through the reproduction of initial results from scientific articles based on LifeObs data. Other training materials are also available for the educational community.
Find training kits to use on your own.
Texte de présentation de la rubrique
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