Survey methodology

The role of the Innovation Department is to bring together information and foster discussions on innovative methods to be developed and used by the project’s surveys. As such, this department will support the teams in charge of producing the surveys, particularly when they face methodological challenges; most notably, the department will solicit experts who can help overcome the confronted challenges.

In general, the department will focus on the following topics: multi-mode surveys (methods for collecting data and for analysing and exploiting surveys collected using different data collection modes, sequentially or concurrently), longitudinal surveys (managing panels and re-interrogations, accounting for attrition and adjustments), matching of survey data with administrative data (expertise in administrative data, in particular, tax data and data from large statistical studies)[1] , matching techniques and the facilitation of access to data, software for developing and producing questionnaires, and work concerning financial incentives.

Depending on the needs of the project, the department will also organise meetings on a selection of these topics; the meetings will be developed in line with the work processes and working patterns that will be established as the project progresses.


Différents sujets sont abordés lors des réunions plenières et journées d'études LifeObs. La page "Résultats" , rubrique "ateliers et colloques" rassemble les différentes présentations

Voir les présentations sur le Suivi des panels

Voir les présentations sur Enquêter selon les âges de la vie