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December 2024


Collecting data for the FamEmp and Erfi2 surveys, pilot testing of the Family survey, publication of the first training kit, organisation of a round table on the feedback of survey results to respondents... The last six months have been very active, and we invite you to read the details below.

The year 2025 promises to be a strategic one, marking the mid-term of the Equipex and the interim evaluation of the project by the ANR. The Scientific Advisory Board will meet in February to discuss the next steps.

We wish you a happy festive season and look forward to seeing you next year,

The coordination team 

Ariane Pailhé, Albane Gourdol, Laurent Toulemon, Cécile Allain


Survey news

SHARE: The 10th wave of SHARE began in France in mid-October 2024 for a period of 5 months, with the aim of collecting 4,000 interviews. Eight training sessions were given to train and prepare the 120 Verian interviewers who will be conducting the fieldwork. Scientific work has continued with the publication in recent months of two new issues of the ‘Data, Digital, Health in Society’ collection, signed by members of the team and using SHARE data, and a scientific article in the journal Social Science & Medicine analysing the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic on equity in the use of healthcare. The SHARE-France team presented work at the 46th Journées des Economistes de la Santé Français (Rennes, 4-6 December) and the SHARE User Gateway Conference (Berlin, 6-8 December). Preparatory work on the future of SHARE in Europe and France beyond the tenth wave has been launched. The team contributed to the European comitology at the SHARE European meeting in Innsbruck (5-7 December) and is continuing its reflection on future methodological innovations: renovation of sampling, feasibility analysis of matching SHARE data with administrative data (tax and/or health) at the French level, design of alternative methods of administering questionnaires in particular.

Erfi2-GGP: The survey ran from January to July 2024. 12,800 questionnaires were collected (using CAWI or CATI). The initial target of 10,500 questionnaires was revised upwards thanks to lower than expected collection costs due to the high proportion of CAWI responses. The response rate was 26%, or 29% if we take into account the over-representation of lower deciles, which have lower response rates. The over-representation of same-sex couples worked well, and the sample contains over 700 observations in this case. A call for participation in the working group was launched in June. The working group was set up: around thirty projects were submitted, half of them by INED researchers and half by external researchers. The agreement with INSEE on the circuit for matching survey data with tax and employment databases (common to the ERFI2 survey and the FamEmp survey) is currently being reviewed.

GUIDE - Eurocohort: The actual survey of 8-year-olds is scheduled for 2027, the survey of the newborn cohort for 2029. INED hosted the annual GUIDE Coordinate meeting in May 2024. This event brought together all the partners to take stock of the project following the 2023 pilot survey and to discuss the major deadlines to come. At European level, three scientific groups have been set up (on the questionnaire, sampling and the data cycle) to prepare the survey of 8-year-olds. At national level, a meeting was held in May with the Department of Studies, Forecasting, Statistics and Documentation of the Ministry of Culture, which would like to make a scientific contribution to the project. In preparation for sampling work on the newborn cohort, the team met with the CNAF in September to discuss the feasibility of accessing their database. Discussions will continue in 2025.

FamEmp: The fieldwork for the Individuals component took place between January and August 2024. Nearly 42,800 interviews were completed, well above the target of 30,000. While the initial target of 20,000 CATI questionnaires was not achieved, the CAWI participation rate far exceeded expectations. Whatever the method used, the response rate was close to 43%. Methodological work has begun to measure any effect of the method of answering certain questions. The first phase of data collection for the Employers section took place from April to July, with a response rate of 68% (almost 6,000 usable questionnaires). The second phase began at the end of September and ended at the end of December. The response rate is similar to the first phase, and more than 3,000 new questionnaires have already been collected.  The operating group is currently being set up with a view to carrying out the first analyses at the beginning of 2025. Finally, work has begun on preparing wave 2 of the survey, which will take place in 2027: defining the protocol for monitoring respondents, drawing up the timetable and revising the questionnaire. The sample will be refreshed for the 20-22 age group. 

ENVIE: The work of analysing the data collected, cleaning it up and making statistical adjustments continued in 2024. The first article in Population et Sociétés was published, and the manuscript of a collective work was finalised for publication in spring 2025 by La Découverte. Presentations have been given at international conferences, such as the EPC congress and the symposium on quantifying inequalities in health. Preparations for making the files available are underway. 

Familles: The Familles survey is ready for the data collection in early 2025. A pilot, conducted in 2024 in 126 municipalities, was carried out at the beginning of the year to test the entire process. Despite a collection protocol that was as close as possible to the target, the household response rate was around 50%, both on paper and online. On the basis of the lessons learned from the pilot, a number of improvements will be made for the actual survey: raising awareness of the survey issues among those responsible for data collection during training sessions, translation of the instructions and questionnaire into 6 languages, improvement of the questionnaire’s user-ability, optimisation of the follow-up protocol for Internet data collection, and enhanced communication with respondents. In mid-January 2025, at the same time as the census, the Familles Survey will be launched.

Fécondité et santé reproductive: The scope of the survey was revised in autumn 2024 and will now cover the French overseas departments and territories (Martinique, Guadeloupe, Réunion and potentially French Guiana). An exploratory survey will be carried out in 2025 in order to define the questionnaire’s themes and potential modes of delivery. The survey is scheduled for 2028.  

First training tools

Discover the introductory kit for processing survey data using the R language - ERFI1 developed by the Training Department! Designed for beginners in quantitative survey data processing, it can be used completely independently or as part of a guided training course (flexible duration from 6 hours to 12 hours). The kit will introduce you to the specific features of survey data processing, the concepts of flat sorting and cross-sorting and simple graphical representations. You will be asked to reproduce a simplified version of Figure 1 from Arnaud Régnier-Loilier’s article ‘How often do we see our parents? published in 2006 in the journal Population & Sociétés.

In the resources referenced on the LifeObs site, you will also find the training material ‘Initiation à l’exploitation de données d’enquête à partir du langage R - TeO-1’ developed by the Statistical Methods Department (SMS) at INED. 

Round table and plenary meeting on 16 October 2024

More than 50 participants attended the round table discussion on ‘Returning survey results to respondents’. Moderated by Laurent Toulemon (Ined), the discussion looked at the motivations, implementation and feedback associated with the feedback practices of five surveys, with the participation of 4 speakers:

  • Marie-Aline Charles, Inserm, Elfe Cohort
  • Géraldine Vivier, Ined, EPIC and ELAP surveys
  • Marie Zins, Inserm, Constances Cohort
  • Stéphanie Vandentorren, Santé Publique France, ‘Travellers’ survey.

The event was preceded by the project’s plenary session, which provided an opportunity to review the 2024 activities and the 2025 work programme of the departments and the coordination.  The results of the FamEmp and Erfi2 surveys and of the pilot Familles survey were also presented. All the presentations can be found on the website. 

Appointment of Clémentine Rossier to the Scientific Advisory Board

With a doctorate in demography (University of California, Berkeley, 2002), Ms Rossier is a full professor at the University of Geneva, deputy director of the CIGEV and co-director of the LIVES Centre. Her research aims to renew the measurement of reproductive and family practices, and to document their implications for social and gender inequalities over the life course. In the field of sexual and reproductive health, she works with the WHO (Geneva), the Guttmacher Institute (New York), the ISSP (Burkina Faso) and APHRC (Kenya). In the field of family research, she has worked with the LIVES Centre to analyse health and well-being in more egalitarian families in Switzerland. She is currently developing studies on the contribution of family ties to social support, in collaboration with IHEID (Geneva) and Ined (France).

New project website

The project website underwent a major redesign in autumn 2024! Take another look and find out all about the latest news: lifeobs

They join LifeObs

Anna Sidoret took over from Amie Katherien Saji in April 2024 as Research Engineer for the Dissemination Department.

Cécile Allain has joined the LifeObs team as project coordinator, replacing Sabine Mélèze.

Pierre Depardieu has joined the Share team as the project’s new General Secretary.

Albane Gourdol has taken over from Thomas Merly-Alpa as head of the Collection department, replacing Gwennaelle Brilhault as head of the Innovation department.

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