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MARS 2023

Hello to all of you,

Since the beginning of 2023, the world of surveys has been in turmoil: a regulatory change by the French regulatory authority for electronic communications, post and press distribution (Arcep) could limit the telephone numbers that can be used to contact respondents, creating a risk that public surveys will be treated as telephone solicitation. Exchanges between Arcep and several survey producers are rather reassuring: as long as the telephone call is initiated by an interviewer, and not by an automatic caller, we would not be affected by this restriction. However, analysis is still underway, particularly on the exact way in which we draft our public contracts.

LifeObs is a space for exchange and cooperation on this subject, as on others; so do not hesitate to contact us for any question or additional element! We are planning to create a FAQ to gather this information and facilitate exchanges. We look forward to your feedback and hope you enjoy reading this second newsletter of the LifeObs project, which presents the progress of the surveys, the people who have joined the project, and our agenda.

Thomas Merly-Alpa for the LifeObs Codir



MPA Without Borders
The collection that started in October 2021 continues, with now nearly 4,200 completed questionnaires, including 900 in the main field of the study, i.e. declaring a method abroad or outside the French legal and juridical framework. The pace of collection has been particularly lively, especially following an Instagram live organized by the team and the broadcasting of an Instagram story by Anna Roy, a midwife and TV columnist with many subscribers. A study day will be held on March 27 with the survey partners.

The dress rehearsal in the early fall of 2022 allowed for the interviewing of 180 young people and led to the modification of the contact phase to simplify it. The actual collection, conducted by the Ipsos polling firm, began on November 22, 2022, and approximately 5,000 questionnaires have been collected since then. Fielding will continue through the late spring of 2023.

Collection of the 2023 test of the Families survey began on January 19 and will continue through March 17. The test is taking place in 7 communes, including 6 in metropolitan France (3 with fewer than 10,000 inhabitants, 3 with more than 10,000 inhabitants) and one commune in Mayotte. People who respond to the annual census survey by paper respond to the Family survey by paper and return their questionnaire to the enumerator. Respondents to the annual census survey by internet receive an email notification containing the connection information to be able to answer the online Family survey. Non-respondents by internet receive a reminder email 7 days after receiving the email notification. One of the main objectives of the test is to measure the response rate, especially for Internet respondents. (More information)

ERFI2 and FamEmp
The two surveys Families and Employers and Erfi 2 were presented to the official statistics label committee on October 5, 2022, and obtained the label of general interest and statistical quality, with the obligation to respond for the Families and Employers survey. The call for tenders to select collection providers for the first wave of Erfi 2 and the individual component of FamEmp ended on February 15. The choice of provider will be published in mid-March, and field preparation will begin at the same time.  The dress rehearsal of each survey will take place in the autumn, and collection will begin in early 2024.

The preparation of the tenth wave is underway. It concerns in particular the redefinition of the sample design from FIDELI-Nautile and the development of a short paper questionnaire specific to France on the perception of individuals with respect to dependency care and its financing, as well as on the relative value that individuals give to health in relation to other dimensions of the standard of living ("health-equivalent income" approach). These French developments are taking place in the context of the move of the European project management from the Max Planck Institute for Social Law and Social Policy (Munich) to the German Institute for Economic Research (in Berlin), which makes the overall organization more complex.
The data of the ninth wave will be available soon (Q2 2023). A scientific day on SHARE and ESS (European Social Survey) will take place in June 2023, and a collection of synthesis publications promoting SHARE will be launched at the University Paris Dauphine - PSL, as part of the redesign of the communication strategy around the survey. Finally, a project of pedagogical kits based on easySHARE has been launched by the PUD network, supported by URFIST funding.

The GUIDE pilot survey, planned in the framework of the H-2020 COORDINATE project, will take place from March 2023 in France and in three other countries: Croatia, Finland and Ireland. It is being conducted by Kantar Public and aims to interview 250 eight-year-olds and one of their parents, as well as 250 parents of newborns. The analysis of the pilot results will allow the preparation of the launch of cohorts, starting in 2027, within the framework of the GUIDE-PREP project, officially launched in November 2022.

Work on the preparation of the survey is continuing. The questionnaire is being developed in specialized subgroups for each module (contraception, infertility, abortion, etc.), before being pooled for pre-testing and a computerized test.


Since September 2022, three female engineers have arrived to support LifeObs within the PUDs of the Universities of Bordeaux and Strasbourg and Progedo.

Ami-Katherine Saji was recruited in September 2022 as an engineer in the Progedo team for the LifeObs Dissemination Department, which aims to improve the visibility of LifeObs surveys in France and internationally. Prior to joining Progedo, she was a junior researcher in the SSHOC project, where she focused on making quantitative data on ethno-racial and migrant minorities FAIR. She was also coordinator of the ETHMIGSURVEYDATA network and worked in the NGO sector, specializing in refugee resettlement and the integration and professional insertion of migrant women. 

Maude Crouzet joined the LifeObs project in January 2023 as a research engineer at the Strasbourg PUD, contributing to the Training Department. Prior to joining LifeObs, she defended a thesis in demography on the loss of autonomy of the elderly in the French overseas departments in January 2022, and worked alongside the design team of the Migration, Family and Aging (MFV) surveys at INED, notably for the documentation of the MFV-Mayotte survey and the first results of the MFV-2 survey.

Claire Kersuzan joined the team in March 2022, as a research engineer, to lead the new university data platform in Bordeaux and contribute to the "Dissemination and Training" component of the LifeObs EquipEX. A PhD in demography, she has a diverse experience in longitudinal data processing. From 2013 to 2017, she analyzed infant feeding practices using data from the Elfe cohort as part of a post-doctoral fellowship at the Unité Alimentation et Sciences Sociales (ALISS) at INRAE. She also worked on the spatial dynamics of inequalities affecting young people using data from the National Survey on Youth Resources (ENRJ) and the Permanent Demographic Sample (EDP) as part of the Labex iPOPs Chair of Excellence.

Maude and Claire develop pedagogical kits for master and doctoral students and researchers. These kits take the form of codes, simplified datasets and methodological descriptions allowing the reproduction of the first results of the LifeObs surveys. They participate in the dissemination of the LifeObs survey data corpus and in the organization of conferences, seminars or study days dedicated to the use and development of data. They are also responsible for assisting LifeObs survey users in the handling, processing, and analysis of the data


You publish or communicate on LifeObs, a work transverse to the departments or related to one of the eight surveys of the project? In order to fulfill our obligations towards the ANR, the mentions and logos to be put on the communications and publications are available here.


Wednesday, March 15, 2023: Meeting of LifeObs department heads

Tuesday, March 21 to Friday, March 24, 2023: 12th Francophone conference on surveys - presentation of the LifeObs Equipex during the session 25 Social Surveys II

Upcoming, dates to be confirmed :

Monday, May 15, 2023: LifeObs Scientific Council 

Tuesday, October 17, 2023: LifeObs Plenary Assembly

October 2023: LifeObs Copil

Friday, December 1, 2023: Study Day "Investigating at the age of life" - call for papers and more information to come soon!

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